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API Authentication: Access Tokens and API Keys

There are two mechanisms to authenticate to Cordial APIs, one for humans, one for machines.

Access Tokens

Manual login in your browser will set cookies on the and subdomains.
Specifically, this cookie is a JSON Web Token (JWT), has a lifetime of 24 hours, and can be deleted on both domains via manual logout.

This allows manual access to our APIs, for instance you can browse to
You can also use this access token as bearer token to make programmatic requests.

There are two ways to fetch it:

# fetch the token
treasury token create
# set an environment variable to the token
ACCESS_TOKEN=$(treasury token get)

The first command will pop up a browser tab, and then store the token for you automatically.

Once you have ACCESS_TOKEN set, use it to make programmatic requests, for instance:

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer ${ACCESS_TOKEN}"

API keys

API Keys can be created by an Organization admin, using an access token.

Whereas the access token is a bearer token, API keys are used with Basic authorization.
The API key (ID, secret) pair are used like a (username, password) pair.

Except for hardened machines making programmatic use of Cordial APIs, it is preferable to use access tokens.

Create API Key

First, set an environment variable to your organization's name, which will look similar to organizations/w2rqPdi8pjBCDRFXmWftMv:

ORGANIZATION_NAME=$(treasury admin organizations list | jq -r .name)

If the output contains more than one name, set the environment variable to the appropriate one.

Then, run the following command:

API_KEY=$(treasury admin api-keys create \
--description "my API key" \
| jq -r .api_key)

echo ${API_KEY}

The API key can be copied from the api_key field of the ApiKey resource, it may look likeV23emW7cgtsvDkTiHdKyMN:12ioqPh89ABtDEFkHXRTMN. You will note that the first part before the colon corresponds to the resource ID, and the second part after the colon corresponds to the secret field.

Use API Key

treasury --api-key ${API_KEY} admin users list

Here, the --api-key argument overrides use of the access token.
You may verify this by deleting the latter with treasury token delete.

List API keys

Currently, you can retrieve API key secrets after creation, this may change in the future.

treasury admin api-keys list