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Hosted Demo Preparation

To prepare an instance for users to run the tutorial, a broad access rule needs to be created, and the users and their invites provisioned.

create role tutorial-users
create allow access rule { action = "any/action", resource = ["AccessRule", "Address", "Transfer", "TransferRule"], initiate = "roles/tutorial-users" }

Then for each user (e.g. jane, with SSO user name users/2d5R294YADljFEMcVj3GtMVscm9 from the Admin API), run

USER=jane SSO=users/2d5R294YADljFEMcVj3GtMVscm9 treasury script -f /path/to/snippet.csl

with snippet

TUTORIAL_USER = concat(env("USER"), "-tutorial")
create human user id($TUTORIAL_USER) { roles = ["roles/tutorial-users"], labels.sso-user = env("SSO") }
create invite credential for id($TUTORIAL_USER) { public_key = invite-public(hex($TUTORIAL_USER)) }

Setting the SSO user label allows easy selection of appropriate Treasury user in the web UI.

Then communicate to the user:

To get the hex code, simply execute hex(<invite-ascii>) in a CSL interpreter.