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Enrolling Treasury

Treasury won't be accessible by the UI immediately. You'll need to create a Treasury instance and connect it via the admin API.

In the near future we will publish a hosted UI to managed this.

Create an Organization.

Sign in to the portal and create an Organization if you haven't already.

From here you can go ahead and invite other users to your organization. However, they won't have any credentials yet on Treasury.

Create a Treasury for your organization

This will associate a treasury instance with your organization that your users can then connect to on the UI.

In order to create this, you need to set a API_URL. This is what the UI will try to connect to when users try to connect. This should not be a public endpoint, but a private URL that will work within a network inside your organization, e.g. http://example.internal:8777 or https://example.internal.

You can use to test with if you have a demo running locally.

Locate Treasury Name

Use the API_URL of your instance to read it.

curl ${API_URL}/v1/treasury


Locate Organization Name


treasury access-token create

Get your organization.

treasury admin organizations ls



Registering a treasury in the Admin API uses POST.

treasury admin treasuries create --api-url ${API_URL} --organization ${ORGANIZATION_NAME} ${TREASURY_NAME}


Change information if necessary (using PUT instead of POST).

treasury admin treasuries update ${TREASURY_NAME} ---set-api ${API_URL} --description "my treasury"

Check UI

Now you should be able to select your treasury, which will connect via your API_URL.

Adding users

The users you invited to your organization will be able to see the Treasury but they will not be able to submit any data. You will need to separately create invite credentials to enable them to enroll WebAuthn credentials. Use the users tab on the UI and work with your other admins to get requests approved to enroll other users.